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Do you sign an NDA ? Who owns the IP of the code ?

The very first thing before sharing the concept / Idea, when asked, we share a mutual NDA ( Non Disclosure Agreement) . After which you can share your details, we adhere to strict compliance, and have this further with all our team members. Basically when something custom is made for you, the client owns its IP ( Intellectual property) when exclusively described in the scope.

How soon can we start the work ?

Depending upon the resource availability, generally we can get started immediately, if it requires wireframes and design, and once they are approved, a development team can be arranged within a week or two. If you have something urgent, do let us know we offer express service plans.

What do we need to give you to get started ?

Depending upon your need, the requirements differ. For example if you want a CMS website, then we would need answers to our questionnaire, that helps our layout artist on what you like. If its a customized project, we would need a call to discuss the requirement, which will be documented by our Business Analyst. If you have a wireframe, or any document that you have made can be shared to our team to take it further.

How can we pay you ?

We offer various different payment options, like Credit card, Debit card, using VISA or Mastercard. You can even transfer money through Wire transfer in various different curries like USD, EUR, GBP, AUD & Many others. You may also pay using Paypal, but we charge an additional fee if you use this service, as we end up paying 9% more if paid via Paypal. We do not accept payment via Crypto at this moment.

What time zone do you operate and How do you communicate ?

We make use of Zoom or Google Meet to connect, as we feel that communication can be effective when we can see each other, along with verbal body language plays a very vital role for effective communication. We overlap about 2 hours of time with your time zone, so that communication can easily be done.

How big is your team ? Since how long are you in business ?

We have a team of 70+ people in our team. We do not outsource further. Most of the work we do happens in house. We have been in business since 2006, and have a vast experience of service clients from almost every part of the world, Having worked with almost every possible industry our developers have great imagination power to understand your needs and put your ideas to reality. If you are able to explain what you want, we can deliver what you want.

How much experience do the developers assigned to our project have ?

Based on the project's requirement, we select the candidate who is well trained in effective project development life cycle. They are well aware of tools like SVN, GitLab, Github, Bitbucket, etc. We provide period training to them to uplift their skills and knowledge to make sure that they deliver on time. Their experience depends on the project needs from 2 years to 8 years of experience in a specific technology or total development experience.

Do you offer White label Services ?

Yes we do. Where we remain in the background or use your company's identity ( email / phone )to communicate with the end client, and never disclose our identity to the end client. We have some clients for whom we are working for more than a decade via such an arrangement.

How are you priced ? What are the different pricing Models you operate at ?

We offer three different pricing models. Fixed price, in case the requirements are well documented along with wireframes, user stories, use cases. We offer a Full time / Part time dedicated service model, where the developer works as an extended team member, where you manage them directly, or hire our Project manager or Team leader to manage the resource. Third is an Hourly price model, where we give a price per hour for the resource. Based on the resource, their expertise, and number of years of experience, the price would vary.

Do you offer a discount for a long term association ?

Based on the type of work, and arrangement, on a case to case basis we can offer some discount if the engagement is more than 9 months. Generally the delivery and quality is more important than giving discounts and not keeping enough margins.

What are the services & Benefits Alakmalak offering?

We, at Alakmalak Technologies, have extensive experience in Web & Mobile Application Design and development services such as web designing, logo designing, SEO + digital marketing services and mobile applications development.

We are Google partner, D&B and ISO Certified company since 2006. We have developed 3000+ websites in the last 18 Years. Please find our developed websites at

We have a strong team of 70+ engineers which includes Professional developers, designers, Digital marketing team, Project Manager and Project Coordinator.

Explain the Process you follow

  • At the initial stage, we will provide you the quote as per your requirement. Along with the quote, we will send you a Web Design questionnaire that you need to fill up and send us back, Once we get your order confirmation we will then create a customized mock-up based on the website questionnaire and your company information. We will also be taking feedback/changes from you and once you are done with the layout we will move further with remaining pages.
  • We will then show the project progress on our development server URL, e.g., so that you can have a review of the website, we will provide you the admin, so that you can check if you are able to change the contents/images of the site or not.
  • And once you agree with the development server website then we will upload to your domain name after receiving the remaining payment of the website.

Are you using Template?

We only worked on templates upon client request, else generally we start from scratch using custom designed Templates specially designed for you. We have excellent Template artist inhouse who can help you design the layouts for you.

How many developer will be working on my project?

It varies based on the project requirement and complexity. There are projects in which only 1 developer is assigned, and there are projects in which we have assigned 5+ developers to work on a Single Project.

Time availability

Development team works from Indian Standard time 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, and Sales team works from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM basically Indian Time zone is GMT +5:30 so if you are from United states best time to contact us is your any morning time.

The preferred mode of communication?

We use email, phone conference, Skype and Google Hangout as mode of communication for the sales inquiries and during project co-ordination.

For any technical support we charge 13$ an hour or what ever is mentioned in your quote. ( the price varies based on the type of resource you are hiring ) And for project communication we use

Payment Terms

Generally our Payment terms are as under

  • 50% upfront and remaining upon completion before publishing your website live ( for project below 3000 USD value )
  • 35% upfront, 35% after approval of Design mock up Homepage and remaining upon completion before publishing your website live ( for project value above 3000 USD)

What is the Technology + Platform used for development ?

It varies based on your requirements and best possible platform compatible with the scope of work which will reduce the time / effort and hence to cost for you. We majorly use PHP, HTML5, HTML/CSS and we work on major different 100+ open source.

Technical Support we offer?

  • Generally most of the websites we build today are self managed. A person not having much of IT skills but know how to send an email with an attachment would be able to learn how to manage the website from a password protected admin interface (depends on the package you select and the functionality you need).
  • We will provide one month of free support for bug rectifications after the site has been made live. This support does not include addition / alteration of features. After the support period, our charges will be at USD 13 per man hour for bug rectification and feature addition/alteration.

How many developer will be working on my project?

It varies based on the project requirement and complexity. There are projects in which only 1 developer is assigned, and there are projects in which we have assigned 5+ developers to work on a Single Project.

How does the dedicated resource model work?

  • Full-time developer: Works from Indian standard time Morning 10 am to 7:00 pm ( where 60 Mins of break ) and total work time of 8 hours a day.
  • Work schedule is from Monday to Friday
  • No Separate project management (Project Manager)and testing ( QA ) are provided. The client needs to do that directly or the developer assigned can do that.
  • Generally Project Communication via Basecamp project management
  • The developer is available to chat via Skype, email or phone when required during the time.

Do I get source code?

Yes, at the end of project after making your website live (provided we have mentioned this in the scope of work) we will provide you with the source code.

Do you do data scraping?

No, we do not do data scraping.

How Digital marketing/SEO can help to promote my website/APP?

You can reach to your targeted audience + generate leads/revenue more often by achieving below things, this will ultimately helps you to get ROI (Return on investment) from the website.

  • Top position in Google for your product/service related keywords.
  • Showcase your product/service through social media websites like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest
  • Optimize your website which helps you to get fast ranking + visits & leads/revenue.
  • Email marketing
  • Paid marketing + Remarketing in Google/Bing and social media websites.

How much SEO/Digital marketing service cost per month?

It varies as per your current position, # of keywords you would like to promote, competition, business model etc... We will send you proposal on the basis of provided details with strategy + monthly cost.

Normally SEO/Digital marketing monthly cost varies from 300 USD to ​3000 USD.

How many months do you suggest I should pay for SEO service?

Two things are there,

  1. How much time it will take for first page ranking: - First page ranking majorly depends on 3 things,
    1. Competition
    2. Current ranking
    3. Monthly budget

    In general it takes 6 to 12 months to get first page ranking. But this varies from case to case since above mentioned 3 parameters are different from site to site.

  2. What after I get first page ranking: - If you invest 100 bucks and churn 200 from it. You will never stop investing 100. Same concept is there in SEO as well, like if with first page ranking you get healthy ROI you should continue with it and try new keywords to increase revenue/leads.

    We recommend to do SEO​/Digital marketing for at least 7-8 months to start producing fruits for the effort we have given so far.

    But yes you can stop SEO anytime. There is no contract for this.

What result I will get when I pay this SEO service, like 3 months, for example?

Below are the probable out comes for the first 3 months:-

  1. First month (During design and development phase)
    • Find words people used to search for your products/service.
    • Make changes in the website helps you in ranking + sell/leads.
    • Suggest articles we should write as per targeted audience interest.
    • More details we will send at the time of sending proposal.
  2. Second month
    • Complete decided things pending in the first month.
    • Analyze ranking + visits improvement.
  3. Third month
    • Complete decided things pending in the second month.
    • Analyze ranking + visits improvement.
    • Find new areas our targeted audience spend time and target them.
    • Give you where we got ROI and where we don't to optimize our strategy.

You can expect minimum 20% ranking improvement for the first 4 months. I.e. if you are at 100th place for x keyword you will be below first 80 at the end of next month.

We recommend to do SEO​/Digital marketing​ for at least 7-8 months to start producing fruits for the effort we have given so far.

How many websites you have helped to grow online till now?

We have helped 100+ websites to grow their business online. Please review list of websites we have helped so far.

You will also find case studies at

What about your team who will manage my website?

We have dedicated 7 digital marketing specialist in our team. We have Google Adwords and Analytic Certified professional in our team.

Do you outsource work?

We have 70+ people team contains web developers, web designers, Digital marketers so, we do everything in house related to website. In case we will need support out side our team to achieve marketing objectives we will let you know

Time availability

Development team works from Indian Standard time 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, basically Indian Time zone is GMT +5:30 so if you are from United states best time to contact us is your any morning time.

Payment Terms

We allocate resource and start with the work after 100% upfront at the beginning of the project​ only​.


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